TallyPrime Release 4.0

TallyPrime and TallyPrime Edit Log Release 4.0 bring great delight and joy to you with the following:

  • The facility to share your business articles such as vouchers and reports through WhatsApp in a jiffy
  • A simple way to import the masters and transactions maintained in the MS Excel format
  • The state-of-art Dashboard that gives you a quick glimpse of your business health

Furthermore, the product improvements in the modules such as GST and Payment Request coupled with the facility to print previous and current balances in the Invoice and other enhancements make your experience with TallyPrime all the fruitful.

Highlights – TallyPrime and TallyPrime Edit Log Release 4.0

TallyPrime Release 4.0 comes with new and exciting features that will make your experience even more delightful.

  • TallyPrime with WhatsApp for Business
  • Import Data from MS Excel
  • Graphical Dashboard

Instant Sharing of Business Details | TallyPrime with WhatsApp for Business

Considering the importance of seamless and efficient communication between businesses and their stakeholders, TallyPrime Release 4.0 brings to you the power of instant communication via WhatsApp for Business. This helps you take advantage of the technology advancements and experience enhancements in communication that rule the market.

Businesses can send documents directly from TallyPrime to one or more parties or stakeholders in a single click. Consider that you just closed your books for the quarter. You can send digitally signed financial statements to your investors and key stakeholders on WhatsApp. Similarly, you can send invoices and reminder letters to your parties via WhatsApp and get responses from them via WhatsApp. This will help in managing the cash flow better as the communications are instant.

If your business is in India, your domestic parties also get the flexibility to click the payment URLs in invoices and reminder letters sent via WhatsApp to make instant payments.

WhatsApp is now seamlessly integrated with TallyPrime. You can sign up with WhatsApp for Business from TallyPrime, and send documents to one or many parties or stakeholders at one go. While TallyPrime retains the facility to send documents through e-mail, no more worries about when the receiver would see any mail and act on it.

Easy Migration from Any Software to TallyPrime | Import Data from MS Excel

Manual data entry for high volume data is a nightmare for any business. Manual entry is time-consuming and error-prone. To address this, TallyPrime Release 4.0 provides seamless import from MS Excel. This is in addition to the existing option to import XML files.

As you might have experienced, many software products allow export of data to Excel. This enables you to get data in Excel workbooks, and import to TallyPrime.

What’s in store:

  1. Effortlessly import masters and transactions from Excel.
  2. Use any of the default templates/sample Excel files.
  3. Take data curated in any Excel workbook and map it to fields in TallyPrime, regardless of the format or order.
  4. Identify errors that occurred during import from the logs created while importing.

Visual Tool to Form Financial Insights | Graphical Dashboard

You can use Dashboards in TallyPrime for analysing business information using intuitive formats. Apart from the Sales and Purchase dashboards provided by default, you can create different dashboards. Based on your needs, you can include different reports as separate tiles, configure each tile as needed to cater to diverse requirements, and interact with each tile. Whether you’re a business owner, finance manager, or consultant, Dashboard empowers you to make data-driven decisions that fuel growth and success. You can use the graphs/charts in different tiles to monitor your cash flow, track revenue trends, analyse expense patterns, and gain a comprehensive view of your financial position and ledger balances for periods of your choice.

Dashboard in TallyPrime offers flexibility to:

  1. Add tiles or hide tiles, configure each tile independently, include or exclude data pointsand so on.
  2. Restrict access to dashboards, based on user rights. If specific users have restricted access to certain tiles, such tiles will not form part of a dashboard for those users.
  3. Create different dashboards for different purposes, organise tiles as per your preferences, and save the views.
  4. Load a dashboard as the home screen when you open a Company.
  5. Print, export, and share with stakeholders by e-mail or WhatsApp.


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