Accounting Cycle

Accounting cycle meaning

Accounting cycle refers to the complete process of accounting procedure followed in recording, classifying and summarizing the business transactions. Accounting cycle starts right from the identification of business transactions and ends with the preparation of financial statements and closing of books.

Steps in accounting cycle

Whether you are a business owner or aspiring accountant, it is important to know and understand the process involved in the accounting cycle. Accounting cycle consists of 8 steps listed below:

accounting cycle process

Step-1 of accounting cycle is identification of business transactions

The first step of the accounting cycle beings with the identification of financial transaction that have occurred in the business. In this accounting cycle, the accountant or the bookkeeper collects the data of all the transactions such as purchases, sales, payments, receipts etc. and keeps the data ready to complete next step of the accounting cycle. Here, the accountant or bookkeeper analyze the nature of transactions, accounts impacted etc.

Step-2 of the accounting cycle is the recording of transactions in the books of accounts

The next step of the accounting cycle is the most crucial and important. In this accounting cycle, the bookkeeper or accountant records the financial transaction in the book of accounts. This step of the accounting cycle is also known as a journal entry and the book in which it is recorded is a journal book.

Here, all the transactions are recorded in chronological order along with the ledger accounts involved, amounts in Dr/Cr and narration (a brief note on the transactions)

journal books

Step-3 of accounting cycle is ledger posting

Ledger posting simply refers to posting the financial transactions recorded in journal books to individual ledger statements. For example, in preparing cash ledger account, you must post all Debit (receipts) and Credit (payments) into statement and difference between these two including the opening balance of cash will be the closing balance.

This part of the accounting cycle includes posting all the Debit and Credit transaction into a statement belonging to a ledger account as shown in the below image.

ledger account format

Step-4 of accounting cycle is to prepare un-adjusted trial balance

In this step, you must list all ledger accounts with closing balance posted from individual ledger accounts statement (discussed above). The format of trial balance consists of the Debit column and Credit column in which the closing balance of each ledger accounts will be posted. After posting the closing balance of all the ledger accounts, the debit balance should match with the credit balance.

This is the primary source for preparing the final accounts and all other financial statements.

trial balance format

Step-5 of accounting cycle is to post the adjustment entries

Here, adjustment entries such as accrued incomes, depreciation, etc. are posted considering the unadjusted trial balance prepared earlier.

Step-6 of accounting cycle is to prepare the adjusted trial balance

Adjusted trial balance is a statement listing all the closing balance of the ledger accounts after all the adjustment entries related to accounting period is posted into the books of accounts.

Step-7 of accounting cycle is to prepare financial statements

This is the most important step of the accounting cycle. Once you have followed all the above steps of the accounting cycle, it’s time for you to start preparing financial statements. Profit & Loss account and Balance sheet are the two key financial statements.

  • Profit and loss account: Profit and loss accounts is a financial statement prepared to know the profitability of the business. This is also known as Income Statement.
  • Balance sheet: Balance sheet is one of topmost financial statement prepared by the businesses. The financial details of the balance sheet help you and the external stakeholders to evaluate the financial performance of the business on a given date. click here to know Balance Sheet format, steps to prepare balance sheet etc.

Step-8 of accounting cycle is closing the books of accounts

Closing books of accounts refer to freezing books from recording the business transaction. This is done after the closure of the accounting period and posting all the adjustment entries. At this stage of the accounting cycle, all the financial statements are prepared and new books for the subsequent financial year will be started.

Modern-day accounting cycle

With the growth of trade and commerce and the diversity of the business operations, businesses are using accounting software to get rid of the complex procedure involved in the accounting cycle. Accounting software automates the entire accounting cycle by just recording the transactions. For business owners, it saves time and efforts involved in the manual accounting cycle. Not just automating the accounting cycle but the capabilities to auto-generate various financial statements such as cash flow, accounts receivables reports, projections etc. makes accounting software invaluable to the business.

Financial Statements – Meaning and Types Financial Statements

Meaning of financial statements

Financial statements refer to reports prepared to evaluate the performance, financial health and the liquidity position of the business. Financial statements are prepared using the transactions accounted in the books of the account. In simple words, all the accounting data is consolidated into a financial statement in a manner which is generally accepted and understood.

Periodicity of financial statements

Traditionally, financial statements were prepared annually i.e. after the closure of the accounting period. With modern-day business operations and requirements, the business owners depend on the financial statements for decisions making. As a result, businesses prepare financial statement monthly, quarterly and half-yearly as well. The insights from the financial statements are reliable and help business owners to make confident decisions.

Users of  financial statements

Financial statements are used by internal users as well as external users. The financial statements depict the overall financial health of the business and help users to make better business decisions.

financial statement users

  • Internal users:Internal users of financial statements are management, employees, Owners etc.
  • External users:Regulatory, tax authorities, banks, unions, investors, creditors etc. are the external users of financial statement.

Types of financial statements

Using the accounting records, 3 types of financial statements are prepared by the company. These 3 types of financial statements provide insights about the financial health, profitability and liquidity of the business. Following are the 3 types of financial statement:

  • Balance sheet
  • Profit and loss account
  • Cash flow statements (CFS)

types of financial statements

  • Balance sheet: Balance sheet is a type of financial statement that summarizes the company’s assets, liabilities and the amount owned by the business owners. This financial statement broadly consists of assets and liabilities. A balance sheet helps the stakeholders to evaluate the efficiency in working capital, asset portfolio and the financial strength.
  • Profit and loss account: This statement reveals the performance of the business in terms of profit or loss for a specified period. Using this financial statement, net profit is calculated after considering the gross profit/loss and all other indirect expenses or incomes.
  • Cash flow statements: Cash flow statement projects the organization ability to generate cash inflow, cash outflows to meet its obligations or commitments and investment.

How to prepare financial statements

All the financial statements are prepared using the accounting transactions recorded in the books of the accounts. Preparing financial statements is one of the outcomes of accounting i.e. analyzing and interpreting the business transactions.

The following are the steps to prepare a financial statement:

  • Recording transactions in a journal book
  • Preparing ledger accounts
  • Preparing trial balance summarizing the closing balance of ledger accounts
  • Using trial balance, you need to prepare profit and loss account and balance sheet.

Cashflow statement is an independent financial statement which compliments balance sheet and income statement. Cash flow statement is prepared considering the operating activities, investing activities and financing activities.

Moving data to new financial year

Moving data to new financial year

You may do all that is possible to close your books on last day of the financial year, in reality, you will have spillover, or certain activity can only be carried out after the closure of the financial year.

While you got all the time to do that but what’s more important here is to move to the new financial year and starting the books from 1st Day of the new financial year. With Tally, moving to the new financial year is as simple as changing your period.

To change the current period, Go to Gateway of Tally > click F2: Period and enter the dates.

Doing this helps you:

Continue to enter vouchers in the same company data
Ensure zero downtime, helping you start the new year on a hassle-free note

Splitting company data

If you choose to separate your previous financial year into a different company, split company data will be helpful. Ideally, it is performed when the closure activities such as analysis, audits, all adjustments etc. in books of the previous financial year are completed.

To ensure the splitting activity is smooth, you need to perform the data verification process before splitting. This automatically detects possible errors in the data.

Go to Gateway of Tally > F3: Cmp Info. > Split Company Data > Verify Company Data
Select the company you want to split
If there are any errors, the list will be shown for you to correct it
To split the company data, Go to Gateway of Tally > F3: Cmp Info. > Split Company Data > Select Company. Once you’ve selected the company, enter the date in the Split From field and press Enter.

When you split the data, the original data is retained, and two new companies with unique names and date are created. You can rename the split company as required and save the original data in another location.

Splitting company data helps you:

Secure old data and start work in a different company
Maintain separate company for each financial year
Carry forward all ledger balances automatically
Accurately split your transactions of the previous financial year from the current financial year

Create new books and import the data

If you wish to create a new company, export the closing balances of the ledgers and stock items of the previous company, and import them as opening balances into the new company. This helps you to clean your data by removing redundant masters such inactive ledgers, Obsolete Stock Items etc.

To create new books of accounts:Go to Gateway of Tally > F3: Cmp Info > Create Company
Enter 1-4-2020 as the Financial year begins from
To export closing balances from Previous F.Y company:
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > List of Accounts > E: Export.
Select the Format as XML (Data Interchange)
Enable ‘Export closing balance as opening’
Mention 31-3-2020 in ‘To Date’
Press Enter to export the details in  XML file
To import closing balances as opening balances in the new companyGo to Gateway of Tally > Import Data > Masters
Mention the XML file location along with the Filename ( E.g. C:\Tally.ERP9\Master.xml)
Select ‘Modify with New Data’ in Treatment of entries already existing
Press Enter to import
On completing the import process, you can compare the masters of both importing and exporting company by navigating to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts > Statistics. If you wish to clean up the redundant or inactive ledgers or stock items, you can delete those.


Upgrading to the latest release

At Tally, we come up with regular releases to add new functionalities in the product and improve your product experience even further. To make sure you’re not missing out on any important feature, it is important to always stay updated.

In our latest release Tally.ERP 9 release 6.6, a new capability to access your Tally’s Data on browser in mobile or any device is made available. Experience Now.

To upgrade to the latest release, Go to Gateway of Tally > F12: Configure > Product and Features. Click F12: Configure again and set Show All Releases? to Yes. Once you select the latest release, click F6: Update, post which the system will need to restart in administrator mode to update the product.

Note: You need to have an active Tally Software Services (TSS) subscription to upgrade to the latest release.

Use Your Tally.ERP 9 Company from Anywhere

When your business needs the flexibility to access your data from anywhere, you can use the remote capabilities of Tally.ERP 9 for the same. Tally.ERP 9 provides support for accessing your company data using in-built Remote Access feature and Browser Access feature. In your office you need to have a valid Tally.ERP 9 license, an active TSS, an internet connection, and your company connected to Tally.NET services. You can also use Tally.ERP 9 on the computer in your office using third-party remote desktop (RDP) tools.

With the remote access capability, you can have your business data at your fingertips, even when you are attending a business meeting or out on a trip. If you or your employees want to work from home, or access the company data from the client location, Tally.ERP 9 remote capabilities come in handy.

Security and Control : You have complete control on who can access your company, and which features are available to the user. Further, your data will always be in your computer. Whenever a user connects to your company, based on the access permissions you have provided, the user can access the required features.

Audit Accounts : You can also allow your auditor to do verification of your books, if needed. If you are a Chartered Accountant, you can use your Tally.NET ID to get access to your clients’ data by making them give you access to their companies.

You can avail any of the following features based on your needs.

● Remote Access – to record or alter your transactions, view reports, and print vouchers or reports.

● Browser Access – to view or print reports and vouchers from any device.

● Use RDP to access your computer where Tally.ERP 9 is installed, and work. To access your computer using RDP, you need to use third-party tools like Microsoft RDP, Citrix, VPN, TeamViewer, and so on.

You may use Tally.ERP 9 in Educational Mode or through a Rental License .

How Automation of Sales and Purchase Register Has Helped Businesses


Sales and purchase are the two most important functions of any business. Transactions with these natures keep a company running and so they should be recorded accurately, timely and seamlessly. While most accounting software would provide this feature as it is a basic need that any entrepreneur is looking for when adopting technology for their business, what’s important is how much can a user make out of these simple reports and add value to their business.

Sales and purchase registers have been maintained by companies since the inception of accounting. Traditionally, these were maintained manually, sales and purchase books recorded all the transactions which occur every day. However, with digitisation taking the world by storm, business owners have now automated maintenance of sales and purchase register through various accounting software.

Recording sales and purchase transaction is no rocket science, and once these transactions are recorded, their respective registers are created. Sales and Purchase register is nothing but a comprehensive day book which comprises of all the transactions which you have recorded so far. This report will help you get a detailed view of all your transactions which have been made throughout and allow you to make any corrections if required.

Advantages of automated Sales and Purchase Register

  • With a sales register, you can analyse a periodic turnover of your company, be it monthly or yearly. You get a consolidated report of each sales transaction that you have done for a specific period.
  • You can also easily navigate to the respective invoices and vouchers, in case there are any errors detected post sales.
  • Purchase returns made during a year can also be traced. At any given point, if your customer returns with an invoice issued by you, and addresses any grievance which is product-related, you can easily go back to the entry made at the tarnation level and modify the data accordingly.

With Tally.ERP 9’s Sales and Purchase Register, you can easily view all your transactions in a split of a second. Detection of errors and the ability to correct it with numerous shortcut keys, will help you save a lot of time and effort. Because of Tally.ERP 9’s flexible nature, navigating to the respective transactions till the entry-level and then correcting it with the right value, becomes very easy. Sales and Purchase Register Tally isn’t just confined to giving you a gist of all the transactions but also track transaction-level profitability to get more insights about your business. With the columnar view of the purchase transactions, you can get a detailed view of each purchase transaction which is a great reference point to check for any discrepancies and inaccurate entries. For adding more value to your business by getting consolidated sales and purchase reports, take a free-trial here.

Ratio Analysis: How it Helps Determine A Company’s Financial Health


Determining the financial health of your business depends on several aspects. One of them is ratio analysis which draws a clear comparison of line items in the financial statements of a business. Ratio analysis is a powerful tool for financial analysis. The report indicates the health of the business using the defined formula. The higher / lower ratio indicates good /poor liquidity position of the business. This report is not just useful for the stakeholders outside of a firm who do not have direct access to other crucial financial statements like balance sheet, profit and loss statement, etc, but also for internal management. Ratio analysis report permits the stakeholder of an entity to make better sense of the accounts and better understanding of the current fiscal scenario.

Objective of Ratio Analysis

While ratio analysis helps a business owner understand the overall financial health of his company, it also becomes a vital tool for financial management. With a clear understanding of the company’s finances, an entrepreneur can easily take crucial business decisions which would impact his company’s growth and profitability. Here are some of the most crucial objectives of ratio analysis report:

Profitability measurement

Profit is always the ultimate motive behind running a business. If a company is selling goods on a large scale, that does not necessarily mean that it’s making profits. The crucial part is drawing a comparison of two numbers with respect to each other and calculate the net profit. Ratio analysis also helps a company in determining the use of its assets and how these assets are incurring profits. To measure profitability, you must get adequate information on Gross Profit Ratios, Net Profit Ratio, Expense ratio etc which measure the profitability of a firm. The management can use such ratios to find out problem areas and improve upon them.

Evaluation of Operational Efficiency

Certain ratios highlight the degree of efficiency of a company in the management of its assets and other resources. It is crucial that assets and financial resources be allocated and used efficiently to avoid unnecessary expenses and prevent cash blockages. Turnover Ratios will point out any mismanagement of assets. A single ratio may sometimes give some information, but to make a comprehensive analysis, a set of inter-related ratios are required to be analysed and that’s exactly what ratio analysis does.

Ensure Suitable Liquidity

Every firm must ensure that some of its assets are liquid, in case of emergencies when cash is required. Thus, the liquidity of a firm is measured by ratios such as Current Ratio and Quick Ratio. These help a firm maintain the required level of short-term solvency.

Determine Long-Term Solvency

There are some ratios that help determine the firm’s long-term solvency. They help determine if there is a strain on the assets of a firm or if the firm is highly in debt. The management will need to immediately address and rectify the situation to avoid liquidation in the future.

Working Capital Ratios

Like the Liquidity ratios, it also analyses if the company can pay off the current debts or liabilities using the current assets. This ratio is crucial for the creditors to establish the liquidity of a company, and how quickly a company converts its assets to bring in cash for resolving the debts.

With Tally.ERP’s Ratio Analysis report you can get a clear picture between the principal groups and key figures in detail instantly without any added efforts. From determining the efficiency ratio to sundry debtors and sundry creditors to the inventory turnover, get information about all the crucial aspects which impact the financial health of a business in a single shot. Another important lever which regulates regular cashflow in your business, payment performance of debtors is also detailed out in ratio analysis. Both the receivable turnover in days and the customer’s actual payment performance is displayed in the report which helps you take appropriate decision to avoid blockage of cash. To get a better understanding of how ratio analysis will help you get a clear picture of your company’s finances, take a free trial now.

Stock Summary Report & its Advantages


Stock analysis is extremely crucial for any business as stock play the role of a company’s heartbeat. From stock movement to reordering to stock ageing, various reports are involved in order to get the right information about your business’ inventory. It is only with these crucial reports can one identify the important aspects of stock items and thus take business decisions worry-free. One such report is Stock Summary.

What is Stock Summary?

A Stock Summary is a statement of the stock-in-hand on a particular date. It is one of the primary inventory statements that updates the stock record in real-time as and when transactions are entered. Stock Summary provides information on stock groups and shows the quantity details, rate and closing value of the stock items under them.

Benefits of Stock Summary Report:

  • You can view the entire stock flow ranging from opening stock goods inwards, goods outwards to the closing stock can be analysed in terms of its quantity.
  • You can identify and view the available stock at different locations and take purchase and sale decisions accordingly.
  • A clear view of purchase and sales order outstanding which will further help you decide on the actionable tasks to improve your business’ cashflow.
  • It gives you an insight into the quantitative movement of each stock item.
  • With details about the Nett Stock, you can even establish great relationship with your consumers by giving them suggestions and alternative choices when the demanded stock is unavailable.

The Stock Summary report with stock valuation methods can be used to view the effects of different methods on the value of stock. Each stock item can be set up to have a different stock valuation method. In some instances, a particular method of valuation may be required, for example, to assess the replacement value or saleable value of stock. Tally.ERP 9 displays stocks in any or all the valuation methods dynamically and simultaneously, without any complicated procedure. Tally’s stock summary report is so dynamic that apart from just showing you a list of inventories, you can do so much more. You can also view profitability and consumption details for each stock item and will give you a drill down of each stock item to track the micro-level details which are crucial for planning way ahead. Quite interesting, isn’t it? Take a free-trial of Tally.ERP 9 today and manage your business more efficiently.

How Re-order Level of Stock Helps Keep Your Company’s Financial Health Stable


Optimum stock is the key to manage inventory successfully. Overstocking will lead to blockage of cash and add up to certain risks such as price fluctuation, cost of managing excess stock, dead stock etc. This means that excessive stock may lead your business into losses.

Detecting the correct re-order level is extremely crucial. If an order is placed too soon, it would incur extra costs which include, warehousing rent, opportunity cost, etc. These costs are classified as “carrying costs” which also affects the overall financial health of your business. However, if the company places an order too late, it would result in stock-out costs, for example lost sales, etc

Some of the most crucial benefits apart of keeping your company’s finances steady which re-order levels of inventory reap are:

  • Automatic generation of a replenishment order at the appropriate time by comparison of stock level against re-order level inventory controls
  • Appropriate for widely differing types of inventory within the same firm
  • This report will help you in taking the appropriate decision for timely Purchase of Materials and will readily provide all relevant information required for placement of a Purchase Order.
  • Monitoring stock levels to see when the “re-order point” has been reached. The re-order point is the point at which the stock gets low enough that it’s time to order further stock.

Maintaining a company’s financial health remains a top priority for any business owner and accurate management of inventory triggers that. Reordering of your stock without incurring any additional expenses could be a bit challenging but it certainly isn’t impossible. Especially with a software as flexible and reliable as Tally, you can ensure that you never run out of stock.

To simply put, Tally.ERP 9 accepts the quantities that you want to specify. In advanced mode, it considers the previous consumption patterns to suggest re-order levels. However, you can define your own reorder levels. You can also specify the minimum quantity of the item to be ordered, either in simple or in advanced mode. Keen to explore more about of stock? Take a free-trial right here!

What is Physical Stock Voucher and Register and Its Benefits in Inventory Management?


Inventory and stock play a significant role in defining a business and its profitability, and it is a well-known fact. One of the most crucial features every business owner expects in an accounting software is for it to be able to track inventory accurately and seamlessly. For any business to efficiently manage its activities, the stock needs to be recorded error-free. Any business owner who is looking for a business software demands it to be robust and flexible, so that at any given point data can be altered as per the requirement.

Physical Stock Voucher is used for recording the actual stock which is verified or counted.  It could happen that the Book Stocks and the Physical Stock do not match. It is not unusual that the company finds a discrepancy between actual stock and computer stock figure. In such scenarios, the software must give you the flexibility to accommodate such discrepancies so that your books and stock-in-hand match. Physical stock differences must not be ignored by any business as stock management can make or break your business.

Often while running your physical audits, you may encounter some discrepancy in stocks. With physical stock journal, you can easily make the changes so that you can take your business decisions accurately without affecting your profitability. Mismatch between the value of closing stock recorded in the company books and the actual physical stock in the godown can arise due to

  • Inaccurate stock records
  • Theft, damage, loss, and so on

These discrepancies can be rectified by passing a physical stock voucher so that the closing stock as accurate.

With Tally.ERP 9’s physical stock register feature you can easily assess the available stock and find out about the inventory discrepancies in your books. This way you can effortlessly adjust the stock values and even derive to conclusions as to why your book stocks do not match with your physical stock. Physical stock vouchers offer you a great deal of flexibility in terms of recording of stocks with the help of which you can easily and seamlessly manage and view the status of your inventory at a single shot. With the feature of narrations, you can even clearly view the reason behind various inconsistencies and manage your business more efficiently.

Wish to streamline your inventory management more effectively? Take a Free Trial here, right away.

How Godown Summary Helps in Better Inventory Management


Inventory and stock management is the heartbeat of every business. Especially businesses who are players in the retail sector, need to diligently manage their stock position for the entire company as well as stock-in-hand at each location. While there are several inventory reports which give you a detailed summary of the stock, Godown Summary is one such report which drills down to display the available stock at each location where your business operates and helps you take crucial inventory-related decisions seamlessly.

4 Key Benefits of a Godown Summary Report

1. Access to stock-in-hand at different locations

Companies use the Godown Summary report to track inventory within factory premises at various manufacturing stages or workstations. The statement provides current stock position for any godown or location at any time. The benefit of having enough stock-in-hand is to meet the demand of your customers. With this report, business owners can seamlessly decide on how to use the stock accurately. Since the statement will give you the location details, you can decide how and where to use the stock without spending any extra amount in the transportation from one location to another.

2. Compare Stock Balances

Efficient stock control allows you to have the right amount of stock in the right place at the right time. It ensures that capital is not tied up unnecessarily, and protects production if problems arise with the supply chain. Godown Summary report gives you a thorough comparison between the stock balances or stock item quantities, rate and value with other godown(s)/location(s) for the different periods which lets you clearly draw comparisons between the stock available in different godowns. This report will also enable you to assess the slow- and fast-moving stocks over a period of time which is helpful for crucial decision making at an inventory level.

3. Stock Visibility

With the help of a Godown Summary report, you can non-transacted stock to alternate units to third-party stock which is in the warehouse. There could be numerous reasons why you might have sent stock to a third-party vendor and vice versa. The Godown Summary report will help you get a consolidated view of the stock whether physical/non-physical, which will further reduce working capital and increase profitability.

4. Customer Satisfaction

When you get a consolidated report of where your stock is physically, you can easily decide on the customers when the demand increases. Instead of informing your customer about the unavailability of the stock, you can advise him to approach the nearest warehouse as per his suitability where the stock is available. You can also take important decisions like how much time and money would you require to invest in order to deliver the stock to your consumer. Basis this, you can even communicate the timeline to your consumer which results in increased customer satisfaction as you can deliver the desired product as per the promised time.

As per Tally’s interpretation, the word Godown it is not limited to physical godown. Companies may use it to track inventory within factory premises at various manufacturing stages or workstations. Further, it is also required to track inventory of raw material and semi-finished and finished product under Job work activity either in case of material transferred on job work basis or for job work undertaken by the company. There is functionality in Tally’s godown master to mark it as own stock of company or third-party stock (i.e. material received for Job work and final product produced out of it by the company). As per accounting principles, such inventory of third party shall not be mixed up with companies own inventory. Tally.ERP 9‘s robust feature takes care in efficiently managing such inventory through the Godown Summary report. Find this feature interesting? Take a Free Trial right here and see how this particular report will help in your everyday business activities.