How to Transit to e-Invoice System?

With the introduction of e-Invoice concept, the businesses will be mandated to validate and authenticate the invoices by the government portal. Before getting into the ways to transit to a new system of e-invoicing, let us understand the current practice.

Current Practice Vs E-invoicing in GST

Today, every business whether big or small, create invoices using various accounting /ERP software and some even through a manual process. As a supplier, these invoice details are furnished in GSTR 1 and the buyer gets the visibility of invoices uploaded in GSTR -2A.

With e-invoicing, the current practice of generating the invoice and reporting will change.e-Invoice requires B2B invoices to be authenticated electronically by IRP (Invoice Registration portal).

The concept of e-invoice begins with uploading of e-invoice data in the prescribed format (JSON) to the IRP system and post validation, a unique number called ‘Invoice Registration Number (IRN)’ is generated for every invoice uploaded. Along with IRN, the e-invoice is tagged with a QR code for further use by various Government portal like GSTN or E – Way Bill portal.

If you closely look at the current and e-invoice system, two changes are evident. First, the need to get the invoice authenticated with IRN. Remember, an invoice without IRN is not a valid invoice. Second, the reporting of invoice details in GST returns and the e-Way bill will be auto-captured based on the e-invoice data.

All in all, by just uploading your e-invoice data to IRP system, most of your compliance needs will be taken care of. That’s the level of technology at which the e-invoice system is being built by the government.

What does this change imply to businesses?

As they move forward, businesses should make provision for a new form of issuance of invoices and leverage the benefit of technology with which the e-invoice system is built. Just like any new system, e-invoice too requires businesses to be prepared and smoothly transit.

In a bid to help the businesses to transit smoothly to e-invoicing, the next section highlights the key things businesses should take care of.

How to transit to e-invoice system?

The first step towards preparing your business for e-invoicing system is to know and understand the e-invoice system. Understanding the fundamentals and how the e-invoice system works will help you identify the requirements and fill gaps. This also calls for educating your internal teams about the change in the invoice process that comes with e-invoice.


Secondly, the accounting software you use will play a key role in e-invoice system. The new system requires you to upload and authenticate the invoice with IRN. Accounting software or ERP that seamlessly interacts with the IRP system will make the task of e-invoicing easier.

Here are the key things the accounting software is expected to do.

  • Generating e-Invoice Data

You need to upload e-invoice data in JSON format as per the schema provided. Here, the accounting software should generate e-invoice JSON from the invoice details recorded as per the e-invoice standards. e-invoice standard consists of mandatory and optional fields and the accounting software should be able to cater to it considering your business necessities.

  • Seamless Integration with IRP System

After you create an invoice with the help of your accounting software, you will have to upload such an invoice on the IRP portal for validation and generating IRN. Here, the accounting software should have the in-built capability to interact with the IRP system and upload the e-invoice JSON without manual intervention. This will not only save your time but also increases the efficiency in invoice processing.

  • Download and Capture IRN

Once an invoice generated by you sails through the IRP portal, on its return, e-invoice JSON will be digitally signed and added with new elements such as IRN number and QR Code. The accounting software should be able to download the digitally signed JSON and accordingly incorporate the IRN and other details into the invoice you issue to your customer.

Sugam GST Returns – Form GST RET-3

The new GST return framework has introduced a set of return forms specially designed for small taxpayers. Among the new returns available, Sugam return form is once such GST return aims to simplify the GST complexities.

In this blog, let us discuss and understand Sugam returns, return filing periodicity, tax payment, format and filing process.

What is Sugam GST returns?

Sugam is a new GST return for small taxpayers whose aggregate turnover in the financial year does not exceed 5 Crores and their outward supplies consist of B2B as well as B2C. Businesses opting Sugam GST returns will be allowed to make outward supplies to end consumers, unregistered business and business registered under GST.

Applicability of Sugam return

To opt Sugam return under GST, you need to satisfy the below two conditions.

  • The aggregate turnover in the previous financial years is up to 5 crores
  • You are engaged in making B2B supplies (Unregistered Business and end consumers) and B2B supplies (supplies to business registered under GST)

Periodicity of filing Sugam return

The periodicity of Sugam return filing is on a quarterly basis with a monthly payment of tax. For businesses opting Sugam GST return, the due date to file a quarterly return is 25th of the subsequent month following the quarter-end.

The due date for filing Sugam GST returns is given below

Due Date to File Sugam GST Return
Filing Period Due Data
April -June 25th July
July – September 25th October
October- December 25th January
January-March 25th April

Due date for payment of tax

Though the return filing periodicity is quarterly, businesses opting Sugam return are required to make the monthly payment.

The tax payment is on the self-assessed basis and the payment declaration challan known as Form GST PMT -08 should be used to remit the payment. The due date to remit the monthly payment is 20th of the subsequent month.

Like Sahaj return, the self-assessed payment is required only for 1st and 2nd month of the and for 3rd month, payment with all adjustments should be made along with the returns.

Let’s understand with an example.

For April to June quarter, the taxpayer needs to remit the tax of April by 20th May and May’s tax by 20th June. For June, you need to pay tax along with first 2 months adjustment (if any) with main Sugam returns.

Difference between Sahaj and Sugam GST returns

While both the returns are quarterly and applicable for small taxpayers, basis the supplies nature it supports, these 2 differs. Sahaj as a small taxpayer return supports only B2C supplies whereas Sugam supports B2C as well as B2B supplies.

In other words, Sahaj return is suitable for businesses who are engaged in making only B2C outward supplies. On the other hand, Sugam is suitable for a business who make both B2C as well as B2B supplies.

Types of supplies allowed under Sugam returns

The following table gives the list of supplies allowed and disallowed under Sugam GST returns.

Type of Outward Supplies Allowed (Yes) / Disallowed (No)
B2B transactions Yes
B2C transactions Yes
Exports No
SEZ units/developers No
Deemed Exports No
Outward Supply to e-Commerce Operators No
Nil Rated, Exempted or Non – GST Yes
Inward supplies attracting RCM Yes
Import of goods/services No
Import of Goods from SEZ No

Sugam return filing process

The Sugam GST returns consist of one main return, to be filed on a quarterly basis supported by two main annexures. Form GST RET-3 is the return form to be used to file Sugam returns supported by the annexures.

The details of return forms and annexures to be used for filling Sugam return is given below.

Form Description Action
Form GST ANX- I Form GST ANX-1 is an annexure of outward supplies and inward supplies attracting reverse charge. You need to upload details of outward supplies along with purchases attracting reverse charge in FORM GST ANX – 1
Form GST ANX – II It’s an annexure containing details of auto-drafted inward supplies.



Form GST ANX-II is an auto-populated annexure containing the details document uploaded by your supplier on a real-time basis.

Here you can either accept, modify or reject the invoice uploaded by your counterpart (seller) for confirming the ITC.

Form RET-3 Form RET-3 is a quarterly return applicable for business opting Sugam returns (Up to 5 Crores) Business need to file the monthly return by 25th of the subsequent month following the quarter-end


The key point which businesses should take note is that the option to avail input tax credit on the missing invoices (invoices not uploaded by the supplier) is not available in Sugam returns. This implies that businesses will be allowed to avail the ITC to the extent of the invoices auto-populated in Form GST ANX-II.

However, the option to claim ITC on a provisional basis on the missing invoice is available for taxpayers opting monthly return and quarterly normal return using Form GST RET-1.

Format of Sugam returns – Form GST RET – 03

The Sugam form RET – 03 contains the details of supplies (both inward and outward) declared through Form GST ANX – 1 and GST ANX – 2. This is the main return form which auto-populates the information of supplies from the first two annexure forms. The supplier (taxpayer) needs to complete the remaining details and calculate their tax liability.

To summarize the Sugam return format (Form GST RET-3), it contains the summary level details of outward supplies, inward supplies and adjustments related to it. The Sugam return format consists of the following details:

  • Outward supplies
  • Inward supplies attracting reverse charge
  • Debit/credit notes
  • Advanced received
  • Total tax liability
  • Inward supplies for claiming ITC
  • Net ITC available
  • Amount of TDS/TCS credit received (Transition / Switchover)
  • Interest and late fee (if any) and
  • Final payable tax along with details of tax payment and
  • Refund claimed from the ledger.

Sahaj GST Returns – Form GST RET-2

By Introducing different return forms for different types of business, the new GST return system aims to simplify the filing process for business registered under GST. Sahaj GST return is one such form among the several types of new GST returns to be introduced.

In this blog, let us understand all about the Sahaj GST returns right from its applicability, periodicity of return filing, payment of tax and return filing process.

What is Sahaj return in GST?

Sahaj is a type of GST returns for small taxpayers whose aggregate turnover in the financial year does not exceed 5 Crores and their outward supplies are of B2C nature i.e. outward supplies are made to end consumers and unregistered business.

Applicability of Sahaj return

The criteria to decide on the applicability of the return depends on the aggregate turnover and types of outward supplies you make.

  • The aggregate turnover in the previous financial years is up to 5 crores
  • You are engaged in making only B2B supplies (Unregistered Business and end consumers)

If you satisfy the above two conditions, you will have an option to file Sahaj GST returns.

Periodicity of filing Sahaj return

The periodicity of Sahaj return filing is on a quarterly basis. However, the payment of tax should be made on a monthly basis.

For businesses opting Sahaj GST return, the due date to file a quarterly return is 25th of the subsequent month following the quarter-end. Following are due date for filing Sahaj returns.

Due Date to File Sahaj GST Return
Quarters Due Data
April -June 25th July
July – September 25th October
October- December 25th January
January-March 25th April

Due date for payment of tax

Taxpayers opting Sahaj return are required to make the monthly payment though the return filing periodicity is quarterly. The payment of tax is on the self-assessed basis and should be made through a payment declaration form known as Form GST PMT-08. The due date for monthly payment of tax for Sahaj return is 20th of succeeding month.

The self-assessed payment is required only for 1st and 2nd month of the quarter and for 3rd month, payment along with all adjustments should be made along with the returns.

Sahaj return filing process

The Sahaj GST return consist of one main return, to be filed on a quarterly basis supported by two main annexures. Form GST RET-2 is the return form to be used to file Sahaj returns supported by the annexures.

The details of return forms and annexures to be used for filling Sahaj return is given below.

Form Description Action
Form GST ANX- I Form GST ANX-1 is an annexure of outward supplies and inward supplies attracting reverse charge. You need to upload details of outward supplies along with purchases attracting reverse charge in FORM GST ANX – 1
Form GST ANX – II It’s an annexure containing details of auto-drafted inward supplies.



Form GST ANX-II is an auto-populated annexure containing the details document uploaded by your supplier on a real-time basis.

Here you can either accept, modify or reject the invoice uploaded by your counterpart (seller) for confirming the ITC.

Form RET-2 Form RET-02 is a quarterly return applicable for business opting Sahaj returns (Up to 5 Crores) Business need to file the monthly return by 25th of the subsequent month following the quarter-end

Types of New GST Return Forms and Annexures

In a bid to simplify the GST compliance, the GST Council has proposed the new GST returns expected to be introduced from 1st October,2020.  Considering the diversity of businesses operating in the country, different returns forms supported with annexure are proposed as a part new return framework.

while the idea of different returns for different business aims at simplifying the GST compliance, businesses are recommended to carefully asses the business profile, their vendors, supply type etc. and accordingly choose the one which suits the most.

Having said there are different returns, the immediate question which comes to mind is what are the returns that are available on the GST shelf? Which return should I shop on the GST portal?

Let’s understand the different returns forms and annexures introduced in the new GST returns.

Return forms and Annexure in new GST Returns

Form Description Action
Form GST ANX- I Form GST ANX-1 is an annexure of outward supplies and inward supplies attracting reverse charge. You need to upload details of outward supplies along with purchases attracting reverse charge in FORM GST ANX – 1
Form GST ANX – II It’s an annexure containing details of auto-drafted inward supplies.



Form GST ANX-II is an auto-populated annexure containing the details of document uploaded by your supplier on a real-time basis.

Here you can either accept, modify or reject the invoice uploaded by your counterpart (seller) for confirming the ITC.

Form RET-1 (Monthly) Form RET-1 is a monthly return to be filed by the businesses having aggregate turnover over more than 5 Crores in a financial year. Business needs to file the monthly return by 20th of the subsequent month.
Form RET-2 Form RET-2 is a quarterly return applicable for business opting Sahaj returns (Up to 5 Crores) Business need to file the monthly return by 25th of the subsequent month following the quarter-end
Form RET-03 Form RET-02 is a quarterly return applicable for business opting Sugam returns (up to 5 Crores) Business need to file the monthly return by 25th of the subsequent month following the quarter-end
Form RET-1(Quarterly) This is similar to monthly return but applicable for business having aggregate turnover up to 5 crores. Business need to file the monthly return by 25th of the subsequent month following the quarter-end

As detailed in the above table, the main return will be supported by the annexures. Every return is supported by two annexures, one for reporting the outward supplies (liability) and the other one for inward supplies (ITC).

Among the main returns, you need to choose and file only one return which is suitable for your business profile.  Choosing the right GST return is key for simplification and assessing your business profile inline with new return types is must. This because each return form has its own implication on the Input tax credit.

Highlights of New GST Returns

The new GST returns proposed to be introduced on 1st October,2020, aims to drastically reduce the complexities attached to GST compliance in the current day. In order to allow businesses to get used to new returns, a trail functionality has been enabled on the GST common portal.

The prototype of new GST returns will enable the businesses to experience and learn the new functionality before it goes live. Before you get your hands into the prototype of new GST returns, it is recommended to know few key aspects of new GST returns.

Here are the key highlights of all-new simplified GST return which will come into effect from 1st April, 2020.

Classification of Taxpayers

Classification of Taxpayers under new gst

Under the new GST return framework, the taxpayers are classified into small Taxpayers and large taxpayers. Small taxpayers are those having annual turnover up to 5Cr in previous financial year and taxpayers having a turnover of more than 5 Cr in a previous financial year are treated as large taxpayers.

This change will widen the small taxpayer’s bracket eligible for quarterly returns from the existing threshold of 1.5 Cr. The increased threshold will ensure that around 90% of businesses will benefit the simpler compliance under the new GST return framework.

Single GST Return

Types of New GST Returns

Single GST return is introduced with the concept of outward annexure (Form GST ANX-1) and inward annexure (Form GST ANX-II). In outward annexure, the businesses are required to admit the liability by furnishing the outward supplies and inward supplies attracting reverse charge. In-turn, these details will be auto-populated into your main return.

On the other hand, inward annexure will capture the details of purchases for claiming the input tax credit. This annexure will be auto-populated based on the invoices uploaded by your supplier. Like Form GST Anx-1, these details too will be auto-populated into main GST return.

The new GST return framework will significantly reduce the efforts and time required for filing returns as most of the details required are auto-populated into the main returns.

Different Types of New GST Returns

Types of New GST Returns

Based on the size the businesses, the type of supplies, customers you deal and the geography, the GST council has designed different type of GST Returns. Sahaj, Sugam and quarterly normal returns are the quarterly return available for small taxpayers. Monthly return (Form GST RET-1) for larger taxpayers.
The returns are so simple that it requires only fewer details basis the business profile and the compliance requirements in relation to ITC are very minimum. It is expected that the cost of compliance will be less.

Profile Based Returns Format

Profile Based Returns Format

Instead of having a common GST return format for all, the council has designed different type of GST returns considering the diversity of business operations. This comes with the option to personalize the return format based on the supplies you make.

As a result, only the relevant information will be shown based on the business profile. For example, a small manufacturer or trader, buying and selling locally may need to file a return consisting of only fewer information.

Continuous Upload of Invoice

continuous uploading of invoices

The new GST return is provisioned for continuous uploading of invoices by the supplier anytime during the month. At the end of the filing period, these invoices will be auto-populated in the return.

By just uploading the Invoices, most of your work-related return filing is done and at the end of the return period, it becomes so simple that you can validate with your tax expert and file the return.

Viewing facility of Invoices     

Viewing facility of Invoices

Based on the invoices uploaded by your supplier, the real-time viewing facility of invoices is made available to the buyer. This achieved by auto-populating the details of the invoices uploaded by the supplier into the inward supplies’ annexure known as Form GST ANX-II. This also comes with an option for looking of invoice.

This will help you to verify and lock the invoice to confirm the eligible ITC. Locking of invoice will ensure that invoices uploaded by your supplier is correct and the invoice will be locked for further modification by the supplier. Thus, the risk of ITC loss in a certain business situation is mitigated.

Amendment of Returns and invoice

The concept of revised returns to be introduced and you will be allowed to revise return for any tax period. Returns will be revised either by filing amendment returns or reporting of missing invoice.  Provision to revise the current returns (GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B) is not available.

Also, amendment (editing) of invoice by the supplier is provisioned in the new GST return framework. The supplier can edit only if the invoice has not been locked by the recipient. If it is already locked, unless it is reset/unlocked by the recipient, the details cannot be edited by the supplier.

No Automatic Reversal of ITC

No automatic reversal of input tax credit at the recipient’s end in the case of default in the payment of tax by the supplier. In such situations, recovery efforts will be first made from the supplier.

ITC on Missing Invoice

Invoices or debit notes which have not been uploaded by the supplier, the recipient is allowed to avail input tax credit (ITC) on a provisional basis in the same month and a window of 2 tax period are allowed to report such missing invoice.

The facility of availing ITC and reporting is allowed for Larger taxpayers (Monthly returns) and small taxpayers filing RET-1 (quarterly normal return). In other words, businesses who have opted Sahaj return and Sugam return will not be allowed avail ITC on the missing invoice.

How to File GST Sahaj Return in Form RET-2

The Sahaj return is a quarterly GST return to be filed by 20th of the subsequent quarter. The businesses whose turnover in the previous financial year is up to 5 Crores and engaged in making outward supplies only to B2C i.e. end consumers or unregistered businesses can opt to file GST Sahaj return. The form to be filed by businesses opting Sahaj is Form RET-2

Though the Sahaj return in form RET-2 filing is on a quarterly basis, the payment of GST needs to be made on monthly basis using the payment declaration form known as Form GST PMT-08. The businesses need to determine the tax liability and Input tax credit on the self-assessed basis and accordingly remit it through Form GST PMT-08

Let’s understand the complete Sahaj return filing Cycle.

How to file Sahaj Return in Form RET-2

The details of outward supplies in GST Sahaj form are required only at a summary level. This is because, GST Sahaj is applicable only if you are making B2C supplies and your customer (the buyer) will not be in a position to claim ITC on the supplies made by you.

The GST Sahaj return filing cycle through Form RET-02 is explained with an illustration.

filing sahaj returns ret-2

We have considered the April-June, 2019 to explain the GST Sahaj return filing cycle. In the above illustration:

  • The taxpayer makes the self-assessed payment for the month of April, 2019 and May, 2019 using Payment Declaration Form GST PMT-08
  • On completion of the quarter April to June, 2019, GST Sahaj return needs to be filed by 20th of July 2019 with the payment of Tax
  •  The taxpayer needs to furnish the consolidated outward supplies details at rate-wise (5%, 12% etc.) and place of supply-wise in Form GST ANX-1. This, in turn, gets auto-populated into the Sahaj return Form GST RET-2
  • Input Tax credit details will be auto populated in Sahaj return form RET-2
  • As illustrated, as and when the invoices are uploaded by the supplier, details of ITC will be auto-captured in inward supplies annexure ‘ANX-02’ and which in turn gets auto-populated in GST Sahaj return form.
  • Remember, Sahaj returns forms will not have a concept of claiming and reporting ITC on missing invoices which supplier has not uploaded. You can claim the ITC only to the extent of invoice uploaded by the supplier
  • Once the required details are furnished in GST Sahaj return, the next step is to make payment
  • The tax payment here includes:
    • Tax payable for supplies made during 3rd month of the quarter
    • Adjustment due to the difference in tax paid on the self-assessed basis in the first and second month versus the outward supplies’ details declared in the Sahaj return.
    • Adjustment due to ITC claimed on self-assessed basis versus the auto-populated ITC available in inward supplies annexure.
  • Once the tax payment is done, you can submit and file the GST Sahaj returns.


For businesses, the Sahaj return filing cycle is very simple. All you have to do is the self-assessed monthly payment and mention the consolidated details of outward supplies in annexure -1. The rest of the details are auto-populated in Sahaj return. The businesses can leverage on simplification only when they carefully assess their businesses profile and choose the one which is suitable.

38th GST Council Meeting: Updates and Highlights


The 38th GST Council meeting held on 18 December 2019, Wednesday was chaired by our Hon’ble Union FM Nirmala Sitharaman and conducted at New Delhi. A presentation was made to the 38thGST Council on the issue of revenue, GST rate structure and compensation needs of the States. Before the presentation, the Convenor of GoM on revenue augmentation Sh. Sushil Kumar Modi, Dy CM (Bihar) made opening remarks about the revenue position and future roadmap.

Here are the main decisions that were taken during the recent meeting.

GST Updates:

  1. Due dates extended for GSTR-9 and GSTR-9C for FY 2017-18 till 31 January 2020

The due date of GSTR-9 and GSTR-9C are extended further till 31 January 2020 from the earlier date of 31 December 2019. It was done to allow more time for taxpayers to use the offline tool of GSTR-9C that is expected to be made available on 21 December 2019.

  1. Provisional ITC claim in GSTR-3B further restricted:

The amount of ITC availed on a provisional basis restricted to 10% from the earlier 20%, where invoices or debit notes are not reflected in GSTR-2A. Hence, invoice matching must be frequently done, and vendor communication becomes challenging.

  1. Late fee waiver on GSTR-1 through amnesty scheme:

Waiver of late fee for GSTR-1 for tax periods between Jul 17 and Nov 19, if filed by 10 January 2020. If the taxpayer does not still file for more than two consecutive tax periods, then e-way bills of such taxpayer will be blocked from generation.

  1. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in case of non-filing of GSTR-3B defined for taxman:

The SOP is to be released for the benefit of tax officers about actions taken for non-filing of GSTR-3B. These will help in blocking or reversal of fake ITC availed.

  1. Due dates for GST returns extended for certain category of taxpayers

The due date extension for GST returns for some North Eastern States (November 2019) to be extended till 31 Dec 2019.

  1. The GST Council decided to levy 28% tax on all lotteries

  • Opts for voting to conclude the matter
  • Date of applicability is 1 March 2020
  • Prior, GST rates on lottery schemes were as follows:
  • State-owned – 12%
  • State-authorised – 28%
  1. GST Rate rationalised to remove inverted tax structure

The GST Council imposes a uniform rate of 18% from earlier 12% on bags belonging to HSN code 3923/6305 from 1 January 2020 (woven and non-woven bags and sacks of polythene or polypropylene strips or the like, whether or not laminated, of a kind used for packing of goods including FIBC). It effectively removes the inverted tax structure.

  1. GST exemption for the industrial land developers:

Supply should be a long-term lease of an industrial or financial infrastructure plots. The Central or State Government holds 20% or more shares in the developer’s capital from the earlier share of at least 50%. Exemption to apply from 1 January 2020.

Other Decisions:

  • Amendments to the GST law to be taken up in the Union Budget 2020-21. Several thoughts deliberated on GST revenue augmentation. Grievance Redressal Committees (GRC) will be constituted at Zonal/State level to address grievances of specific/ general nature of taxpayers.

37th GST Council Meeting Updates


The GST Council, headed by Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and comprising representatives of all States and Union Territories (UTs), had its 37th meeting in Goa in the backdrop of economic growth hitting a six-year low of 5% for the first quarter of the current fiscal. This GST Council Meeting was extremely crucial as various industries were looking forward to some major decisions to be taken in terms of tax slabs.

There have been demands pouring in from various sectors — from biscuits to automobiles and FMCG to hotels — to reduce tax rates in the wake of economic slowdown.

Here are the key decisions during the 37th GST Council Meeting held in Panaji, Goa which are said to be effective from October 1, 2019.

GST Rates Revisions

  • GST Council recommends lower 12% cess on 1,500 cc diesel, 1,200 cc petrol vehicles with capacity to carry up to 13 people.
  • GST rate on caffeinated beverages raised from 18% to 28% with 12% compensation cess.
  • Uniform GST rate of 12% to be levied on polypropylene bags and sacks used for packing of goods
  • GST exempted on specified defence goods not manufactured in India
  • Rate levied on cut and polished semi-precious stones has been dropped from 3% to 0.25%.
  • Jewellery exports to now attract zero GST.
  • GST on fishmeal used by fishermen being exempted from July 2017 to September 30 this year. There was lack of clarity on their GST coverage and no tax was collected so that has been resolved.
  • GST rate hiked on railway wagon, coaches from 5% to 12%.
  • For Transaction value per unit per day of ₹1000 or less, will attract nil GST. For ₹1001 upto ₹7500, now the tax rate will be 12%. Anything above ₹7501 will attract 18%. It was 28% till now.
  • To reduce the rate of GST on hotel accommodation service as below:
Transaction Value per Unit (Rs) per day GST
Rs 1000 and less Nil
Rs 1001 to Rs 7500 12%
Rs 7501 and more 18%
  • To exempt services provided by an intermediary to a supplier of goods or recipient of goods when both the supplier and recipient are located outside the taxable territory.

New Returns

  • Waiver off the requirement of filing FORM GSTR-9A for Composition Taxpayers for FY 2017-18 and FY 2018-19
  • Filing of FORM GSTR-9 for those taxpayers who (are required to file the said return but) have aggregate turnover up to Rs. 2 crores made optional for FY 2017-18 and FY 2018-19
  • A committee to examine simplification of Forms for Annual Return and reconciliation statement
  • New return system now to be introduced from April 2020 (earlier proposed from October 2019)
  • The imposition of restrictions on availing of input tax credit by the recipients in cases where details of outward supplies are not furnished by the suppliers.

Other Crucial Updates

  • Group insurance schemes for paramilitary forces under the Home Affairs ministry to be exempted from GST.
  • Aerated drink manufacturers shall not be under the composition scheme anymore.
  • Rate reduction on hotel accommodation services.
  • Job work services related to diamonds reduced from 5% to 1.5%. For machine job works in engineering industry, GST down from 18 to 12. But bus body building works still taxed at 18%.
  • Restriction on refund of compensation cess on tobacco products (in case of inverted duty structure)
  • Reasonable restrictions on passing of credit by risky taxpayers including risky new taxpayers
  • Link Aadhar with registration of taxpayers under GST and examine the possibility of making Aadhar mandatory for claiming refunds
  • Integrated refund system with disbursal by single authority to be introduced from 24th September 2019

Filing Annual Return GSTR-9 using Annual Computation Report in Tally.ERP 9


For most of the business, if not all, this was going to be ‘All-hands on the deck’ moment. But it isn’t anymore. Why? First, the fast approaching deadline to file annual GST return is extended and the revised last date to file the annual return in Form GSTR-9 is 30th November,2019. You got little more time to file your annual return. Second, you will figure it out by the time you reach mid of this article.

In many ways, the annual return ‘Form GSTR-9’ is different from the annual returns you have filed so far in the erstwhile regime. The annual GST return ‘Form GSTR-9’ is not a self-assessed consolidated return which used to be the case in the previous indirect tax regime. Meaning, annual return GSTR-9 form will have the consolidated system computed information which you have reported in Form GSTR-1, GSTR-3B and GSTR-2A.

This implies, you have 3 different data points – system computed GSTR-9, values reported in GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B for F.Y 17-18 and the books of accounts. The ideal situation is that the information in Form GSTR-1, Form GSTR-3B and books of accounts should be in sync with each other, and the values should match across different forms and the books of accounts.

Who doesn’t like to be in this situation?  Off course! This is a happy situation and every business would like to be. But, owing to serval reasons, this isn’t going to be an ideal situation for most of the business. This calls for little more efforts to drill down to each of these data points, match, apply the suitable correction and prepare the GSTR-9.

Not considering either of the data (Portal and Books) will possibly result in incorrect annual return filing. There isn’t any easy way to do it. Books and portal data need to be matched and suitable modification (If any) needs to be carried out in system computed GSTR-9. This isn’t little, it’s really an ‘All hands on the desk’ situation.

To alleviate the above situation and help you file annual return GSTR-9 on-time, Tally.ERP is enhanced with ‘Annual Computation’ report which helps you get the values ‘as per book’ computed annually and use this to match with the system computed values of GSTR-9 in GST portal.

The ‘Annual Computation’ report focus on GST Liability and Input Tax Credit values for the entire year with a break-up of details as sought in GSTR-9. You will also be able to view the month-wise break-up of the values on drill down from the report. Below is the glimpse of the annual computation report.

1 copySummary View of Annual Computation Report in Tally.ERP 9

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Detailed View of Annual Computation Report in Tally.ERP 9

With the cumulative values and break up details available, you will be in a position to compare your book values with uploaded returns and make the necessary modification (if any) to Form GSTR-9 return values.

In case of any difference in book values and portal, you can make the necessary changes either in your books or in the annual return to ensure that the uploaded returns are true to your book values. This also ensures that discrepancy of periodic returns is corrected in annual returns such that book values are same as the uploaded returns for the financial year.

Click Here to know more on how does Annual Computation report help in filing annual returns Form GSTR-9?

Any additional tax due to modification or additions (not furnished in GSTR-1 or GSTR-3B) can be paid along with interest Form GST DRC-03. Similarly, if modifications lead to refund (if eligible) can be applied through Form GST RFD-01A. Note, unveiled ITC cannot be availed and it shall lapse.

Filing Your Annual Returns – Things to Keep in Mind


As most of you are aware, the last date for filing the annual return in Form GSTR 9 is 30th June 2019. Both traders, as well as industry stakeholders, have raised certain queries with respect to the filing of this annual return, which we will attempt to clarify in this blog:

  • Information contained in Form GSTR 2A as on 1st May 2019 shall be auto-populated in Table 8A of Form GSTR 9.
  • Input Tax Credit on inward supplies shall be declared from April 2018 to March 2019 in Table 8C of Form GSTR 9.
  • Particulars of the transactions for FY 2017-18 declared in returns between April 2018 to March 2019 shall be declared in Part V of Form GSTR 9. Such particulars may contain details of amendments furnished in Table 10 and Table 11 of Form GSTR 1.
  • It may be noted that irrespective of when the supply was declared in Form GSTR 1, the principle of declaring a supply in Part II or Part V is essentially driven by – when was tax paid through Form GSTR 3B in respect of such supplies. If the tax on such a supply was paid through Form GSTR 3B between July 2017 to March 2018 then such a supply shall be declared in Part II and if the tax was paid through Form GSTR 3B between April 2018 to March 2019 then such a supply shall be declared in Part V of Form GSTR 9.
  • Any additional outward supply which was not declared by the registered person in Form GSTR 1 and Form GSTR 3B shall be declared in Part II of the Form GSTR 9. Such additional liability shall be computed in Part IV and the gap between the “tax payable” and “paid through cash” column of Form GSTR 9 shall be paid through Form DRC 03.
  • Many taxpayers have reported a mismatch between auto-populated data and the actual entry in their books of accounts or returns. One common challenge reported by taxpayer is in Table 4 of Form GSTR 9 where details may have been missed in Form GSTR 1, but the tax was already paid in Form GSTR 3B and therefore taxpayers see a mismatch between auto-populated data and data in Form GSTR 3B. It may be noted that auto-population is a functionality provided to taxpayers for facilitation purposes, taxpayers shall report the data as per their books of account or returns filed during the financial year.
  • Many taxpayers have represented that Table 8 has no row to fill in credit of IGST paid at the time of import of goods but availed in the return of April 2018 to March 2019. Due to this, there are apprehensions that credit which was availed between April 2018 to March 2019 but not reported in the annual return may lapse. For this entry, taxpayers are advised to fill in their entire credit availed on import of goods from July 2017 to March 2019 in Table 6(E) of Form GSTR 9 itself.
  • Payments made through Form DRC 03 for any supplies relating to period between July 2017 to March 2018 will not be accounted for in Form GSTR 9 but shall be reported during reconciliation in Form GSTR 9C.

In addition to these clarifications, the GST Council has requested all taxpayers to file their Annual Returns at the earliest to avoid any last-minute rush.