How to File Your GST Returns


Every registered taxable person has to furnish outward supply details in Form GSTR-1 by the 10th of the subsequent month. On the 11th, the visibility of inward supplies is made available to the recipient in the auto-populated GSTR-2A. The period from 11thto 15th will allow for any corrections (additions, modifications and deletion) in Form GSTR-2A and submission in Form GSTR-2 by 15th of the subsequent month.The corrections (addition, modification and deletion) by the recipient in Form GSTR-2 will be made available to supplier in Form GSTR-1A. The supplier has to accept or reject the adjustments made by the recipient. The Form GSTR-1 will be amended according to the extent of correction accepted by supplier.

On 20th, the auto-populated return GSTR-3 will be available for submission along with the payment. After the due date of filing the monthly return Form GSTR-3, the inward supplies will be matched with the outward supplies furnished by supplier, and then the final acceptance of input tax credit will be communicated in Form GST ITC-1.

Also, the mismatch input tax credit on account of excess claims or duplication claims will be communicated in Form GST ITC-1.Discrepancies not ratified will be added as output tax liability along with interest. However, within the prescribed time, if it is ratified, the recipient will be eligible to reduce this output tax liability.

Let us understand this with an example.


What are the Types of Returns Under GST?


Consider what happens today. A manufacturer who is compliant under Central Excise, Service Tax, and VAT has to file returns as specified by each of the states.  The manufacturer has to deal with returns, annexures, and registers for Excise, Service tax and VAT with monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly periodicity.

With GST in place, it does not matter whether you are a trader, manufacturer, reseller or a service provider, you only need to file GST returns.

Wow! This sounds good. Let us understand different types of return forms in GST.

Under GST, there are 19 forms for filing of returns by tax payers. All these forms are required to be e-filed. The details of each form are listed below along with details of applicability and periodicity.

Regular Dealer

Form Type Frequency Due Date Details to be Furnished
Form GSTR-1 Monthly 10th of succeeding month Furnish details of outward supplies of taxable goods and/or services affected
Form GSTR-2A Monthly On 11th of succeeding Month Auto-populated details of inward supplies made available to the recipient on the basis of Form GSTR-1 furnished by the supplier
Form GSTR-2 Monthly 15th of succeeding month Details of inward supplies of taxable goods and/or services claiming input tax credit. Addition (Claims) or modification in Form GSTR-2A should be submitted in Form GSTR-2.
Form GSTR-1A Monthly 20th of succeeding month Details of outward supplies as added, corrected or deleted by the recipient  in Form GSTR-2 will be made available to supplier
Form GSTR-3 Monthly 20th of succeeding month Monthly return on the basis of finalization of details of outward supplies and inward supplies along with the payment of amount of tax
Form GST ITC-1 Monthly — Communication of acceptance, discrepancy or duplication of input tax credit claim
Form GSTR-3A — — Notice to a registered taxable person who fails to furnish return under section 27 and section 31
Form GSTR-9 Annually 31st Dec of next fiscal Annual Return – furnish the details of ITC availed and GST paid which includes local, interstate and import/exports.


Composite Tax Payer

Return Type Frequency Due Date Details to be Furnished
Form GSTR-4A Quarterly — Details of inward supplies made available to the recipient registered under composition scheme on the basis of Form GSTR-1 furnished by the supplier
Form GSTR-4 Quarterly 18th of succeeding month Furnish all outward supply of goods and services. This includes auto-populated details from Form GSTR-4A, tax payable and payment of tax.
Form GSTR-9A Annual 31st Dec of next fiscal Furnish the consolidated details of quarterly returns filed along with tax payment details.


Foreign Non-Resident Taxpayer

Return Type Frequency Due Date Details to be Furnished
Form GSTR-5 Monthly 20th of succeeding month or within 7 days after the expiry of registration Furnish details of imports, outward supplies, ITC availed, tax paid, and closing stock


Input Service Distributor

Return Type Frequency Due Date Details to be Furnished
Form GSTR-6A Monthly 0n 11th  of succeeding month Details of inward supplies made available to the ISD recipient on the basis of Form GSTR-1 furnished by the supplier
Form GSTR-6 Monthly 13th of succeeding month Furnish the details of input credit distributed


Tax Deductor

Return Type Frequency Due Date Details to be Furnished
Form GSTR-7 Monthly 10th of succeeding month Furnish the details of TDS deducted
Form GSTR-7A Monthly TDS certificate to be made available for download TDS Certificate – capture details of value on which TDS is deducted and deposit on TDS deducted into appropriate Govt.



Return Type Frequency Due Date Details to be furnished
Form GSTR-8 Monthly 10th of succeeding month Details of supplies effected through e-commerce operator and the amount of tax collected on supplies


Aggregate Turnover Exceeds 1 crore

Return Type Frequency Due Date Details to be furnished
Form GSTR-9B Annually Annual, 31st Dec of next fiscal Reconciliation Statement – audited annual accounts and a reconciliation statement, duly certified.


Final return

For taxable person whose registration has been surrendered or cancelled

Return Type Frequency Due Date Details to be furnished
Form GSTR-10 Monthly Within 3 months of cancellation of registration Furnish details of inputs and capital goods held, tax paid and payable.


Government Departments and United Nation Bodies

Return Type Frequency Due Date Details to be furnished
Form GSTR-11 Monthly 28th of succeeding month Details of inward supplies to be furnished by a person having UIN

How to Amend, Cancel, or Revoke GST Registration


Let us now understand how to:

  • Amend your registration details
  • Apply for cancellation of registration
  • Revoke your registration if it is cancelled

Amending Your Registration Details

  • Any change in details furnished at the time of registration must be submitted within 15 days from the date of such changes in Form GST REG-11.
  • Specific changes in Form GST REG-11 relating to the name of the business, partner details, managing committee, and so on, require approval from an officer. After verification, an approval order by the officer is sent in Form GST REG-12 to amend the details.
  • Changes in business details that result in change of PAN number of the registered tax payer, require a fresh registration in Form GST REG-01.

Amending GST Registration

Applying for Cancellation of Registration

  • A registered taxable person seeking cancellation of registration, should submit Form GST REG-14 along with details of closing stock and other relevant documents.
  • Within 7 days, a notice in Form GST REG-15 is issued to the taxable person to show cause with reason for such cancellation.
  • After verification and approval by an officer, cancellation order in  Form GST REG-16 is issued within 30 days from the date of receipt of Form GST REG-15 or date of show cause.

How to Cancel GST Registration

A taxable person who has voluntarily registered is allowed to apply for cancellation only after completion of 1 year of registration. An officer determines the effective date of cancellation after directing the taxable person to clear any tax arrears and penalty, if any.

Revoking a Cancelled Registration

  • In case the registration is cancelled by an officer, a taxable person can apply for revocation by submitting Form GST REG-17 within 30 days from date of cancellation order.
  • If the officer requires additional details or clarification, Form GST REG-3 is issued within 3 working days.
  • The taxable person then needs to respond by providing requisite details in Form GST REG-4 (within 7 working days).
  • If the officer is satisfied, the cancellation is revoked by issuing an order in Form GST REG-18 within 30 days from date of such application.
  • If the officer is not satisfied, the revocation application is rejected in Form GST REG-5. Prior to this rejection, the taxable person will be issued a show cause notice in Form GST REG-19 and hearing.

Revoke Cancelled GST Registration

How to Apply for a New GST Registration

In this post, we will understand the registration process for new business registrations.


Liability for Registration in GST

Region Aggregate Turnover
Liability to Register Liability for Payment of Tax
North East India Rs 9 Lakhs Rs 10 Lakhs
Rest of India Rs 19 Lakhs Rs 20 Lakhs


If you are a regular dealer or a composite tax payer, you need to do the following:

  1. Fill Part-A of Form GST REG-01. Provide your PAN, mobile number, and E-mail ID, and submit the form.
  2. The PAN is verified on the GST Portal. Mobile number, and E-mail ID are verified with a one-time password (OTP).
  3. You will receive an application reference number on your mobile and via E-mail.
  4. Fill Part- B of Form GST REG-01 and specify the application reference number you received. Attach other required documents and submit the form.  Following is the list of documents to be uploaded –
    • Photographs: Photographs of proprietor, partners, managing trustee, committee etc. and authorized signatory
    • Constitution of taxpayer : Partnership deed, registration certificate or other proof of constitution
    • Proof of principal / additional place of business :
      • For own premises – Any document in support of the ownership of the premises like latest property tax receipt or Municipal Khata copy or copy of electricity bill.
      • For rented or leased premises – copy of rent / lease agreement along with owner’s (landlord) documents like latest property tax receipt or Municipal Khata copy or copy of electricity bill.
    • Bank account related proof : Scanned copy of the first page of bank pass book or bank statement
    • Authorization forms: For each authorized signatory, upload authorization copy or a copy of resolution of managing committee or board of directors in the prescribed format.
  5. If additional information is required, Form GST REG-03 will be issued to you. You need to respond in Form GST REG-04 with required information within 7 working days from the date of receipt of Form GST REG-03.
  6. If you have provided all required information via Form GST REG-01 or Form GST REG-04, a certificate of registration in Form GST REG-06 will be issued within 3 days from date of receipt of Form GST REG-01 or Form GST REG-04.
  7. If the details submitted are not satisfactory, the registration application is rejected using Form GST REG-05.

New GST Registrations

Registration Forms for Other Stake Holders

Form No. Form Type
Form GST REG-07 Application for Registration as Tax Deductor or Tax Collector at Source
Form GST REG-08 Order of Cancellation of Application for Registration as Tax Deductor or Tax Collector at Source
Form GST REG-09 Application for Allotment of Unique ID to UN Bodies/Embassies
Form GST REG-10 Application for Registration for Non Resident Taxable Person

GST Registration for Existing Dealers


With each passing day, we are moving one step closer to the GST regime. The GST Bill has been  approved by President and the GST Council is in the process for forming the rules. As business begin their preparation towards the new taxation system, obtaining GST registration is the first step.

Liability for Registration in GST

Region Aggregate Turnover
Liability to Register Liability for Payment of Tax
North East India Rs 9 Lakhs Rs 10 Lakhs
Rest of India Rs 19 Lakhs Rs 20 Lakhs

This ensures that on the day a dealer crosses Rs 20 Lakhs turnover, he is already registered, need to start charging GST, and is eligible to claim input tax credit. All existing dealers registered with any of the current laws (VAT/Excise/Service Tax) will also need to register under GST by default.

Important Note: The turnover considered here is the aggregate pan-India turnover (including value of non-taxable, exempt and export supplies) of a business entity, and not state-wise.


Let us take an example to illustrate the liability of business to register under GST.

Super Cars Ltd. is a car manufacturing unit in Karnataka. They own ‘Super Cars Service Ltd’, a service unit located in Karnataka and Delhi. Additional details are furnished in the table below:

Business Unit Location PAN Number Turnover (Rs)
Super Cars Ltd. Karnataka AEHCS3476M 125 Lakhs
Super Cars Service Ltd. Karnataka AEHCS3476M 20 Lakhs
Super Cars Service Ltd. Delhi AEHCS3476M 10 Lakhs

As per the example,

  • All 3 units are registered under the same PAN AEHCS3476M
  • To arrive at the aggregate turnover, the turnover of all the 3 units (Super Cars Ltd. and Super Cars Service Ltd. located in Karnataka and Delhi) will be considered.
  • Therefore, the aggregate turnover will be Rs 155 Lakhs (Super Cars Ltd. Rs 125 Lakhs + Super Cars Service Ltd. of Karnataka Rs 20 Lakhs + Super Cars Services Ltd. of Delhi Rs 10 Lakhs) and are required to register under GST.

For Whom is Registration Mandatory?

The following categories of suppliers need to mandatorily register irrespective of turnover:

  • Taxable person carrying on interstate supply
  • Casual and non-resident taxable persons
  • Businesses liable to pay tax under reverse charge
  • Agents supplying on behalf of taxable person
  • Input service distributor
  • Sellers on e-commerce platforms
  • Aggregator supplying services under his brand name
  • Persons responsible to deduct TDS

Registration Forms for Dealers Registered under Existing Central and State Tax

  • All dealers registered with central or state tax authorities will be auto-migrated and allotted with a provisional certificate of registration in Form GST REG-21.
  • Within 6 months, dealers are required to submit Form GST REG-20 in the GST Portal along with information and documents as prescribed.
  • If the information provided is complete and satisfactory, final registration certificate will be issued in Form GST REG-06.
  • If the details submitted are not satisfactory, a show cause notice will be issued in Form GST REG-23, and there will be a hearing before cancelling the provisional registration. If the show cause hearing is not successful, or if the details are not provided within the stipulated period, the provisional registration allotted in Form GST REG-21 will be cancelled by issuing an order in Form GST REG-22.

Register for GST -Existing Delaers

During transition, if a taxable person is not required to register under GST, but was previously registered (Central and State law), he has an option to cancel the provisional registration issued by submitting the Form GST REG-24.


GST Input Tax Credit Explained [Video]


One of the fundamental features of GST is seamless flow of input credit across the chain (from the manufacture of goods till it is consumed) and across the country. In this section, let’s discuss about various conditions laid down by law to avail input credit on supply of goods or services.

All of the following conditions need to be satisfied to avail Input credit:
• The dealer should be in possession of Tax Invoice / Debit or Credit Note / Supplementary Invoice issued by a supplier registered under GST Act.
• The said goods/services have been received.
• Returns (GSTR-3) have been filed.
• The tax charged has been paid to the government by the supplier.

What do these conditions imply?

Once GSTR-1 (Outward supply details) is filed by the supplier, recipient has a visibility of the purchase through the auto populated GSTR-2 (Inward supplies details). After necessary modification, additions (if any) and acceptance, the Input credit will be credited to the recipient’s electronic credit ledger on a provisional basis.
Input credit will be available only when the Monthly returns (GSTR-3) are filed by the supplier along with payment tax.

Let us understand this with an example

Super Cars Ltd, a manufacturer of cars purchased 30 tons of steel from Ratna Steels. Ratna Steels supplied steel and issued tax invoice on 5th April with GST of 2, 40,000.

With this example, let us examine the process to understand the flow of availing input credit.

GSTR-1: Furnish all outward supply details on or before 10th of Subsequent month.
GSTR-2: This is auto-populated by System on 11th of subsequent month. This includes all inward supplies details
GSTR-3: Monthly Return auto populated by system on 20th of subsequent month

How is GST Different from Current Tax Structure

GST (Goods & Service Tax), a single unified tax system aims at uniting India’s complex taxation structure to a ‘One Nation- One Tax’ regime. It is the biggest tax reform since India’s independence.

What does this mean? What will be its impact?

GST proposes to remove the geographical barriers for trading, and transform the entire nation to ‘One Common Market Place’.

Let us understand the fundamentals of GST, it is a dual concept tax system. Under this system, tax is administered, collected, and shared by both the Centre and the State governments, based on the nature of transaction (within the state or interstate).

The tax components of GST 


While we now know the tax components of GST, it is equally important for you to know the taxes existing in the current regime, and how they are subsumed under GST.

Current Indirect Tax structure

Current Tax structure Vs GST


Taxes subsumed under GST

How does GST Eliminate Tax on Tax

In the current regime of indirect tax system, the chain of input credit, at a certain point, is broken. Let’s say Central Sales Tax (CST) applicable on interstate trade is non-creditable, leading to a break in the input credit chain. Similarly, a manufacturer charging excise duty on sale to a dealer causes the chain to break. This leads to taxes forming a part of the product cost.

In the year 2005, VAT was introduced with the similar objective to overcome cascading affect. If VAT was designed to eliminate it, how is it different in GST?

Yes, VAT eliminated the cascading tax effect on the state indirect tax, while the cascading effect of other indirect taxes still remained. GST allows for seamless flow of tax credit, and eliminates the cascading effect of all indirect taxes in the supply chain from manufacturers to retailers, and across state borders.

Let us examine this with an example of car as a product with overall rate of tax being considered @22% under existing and GST regime – to illustrate elimination of tax on tax

Savings of 5,280 catching your eyes! Isn’t it? Let’s us examine this.

If you observe closely, in the example, the taxes paid by dealer (CGST + SGST) to manufacturer is not added to cost. This is because GST allows the dealer to set off the tax liability of CGST+SGST. This is one of the fundamental features of GST, which allows seamless credit from manufacturer to dealer, and eliminates the cascading effect.