Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release 4.92, 21st January, 2015

The new Tally.ERP 9 Release 4.92 is available now!

FREE for all users of Tally.ERP 9.*

Tally.ERP 9 is the latest ERP offering of the Tally software series. As with all Tally products, rapid updates are made available for the lifetime of the product via periodic releases, thereby providing the high level of business capability that millions of users trust.

Issues Resolved :


Memory Access Violation error while altering Payment/Receipt/Contra vouchers, resolved:
Tally.ERP 9 was crashing with the error Memory Access Violation under specific circumstances.
This error was occurring if the following operations were executed in the same order as listed below:
Note: The option Allow Zero valued entries (F11: Features > F1: Accounting Features) is disabled in both scenarios.

Scenario 1

  1. Record a voucher for multiple parties using a bank ledger, providing nil value for one of the party ledgers. In the Bank Allocations screen select the party ledger with nil value, under Ledger Name.
  2. Delete the party ledger master for which nil value was provided.
  3. Open a voucher that has been recorded using the same bank ledger in alteration mode and press Ctrl+A. Tally.ERP 9 crashes with the error Memory Access Violation.


Scenario 2

  1. Record a voucher by selecting a party ledger and a bank ledger (the F12: Configure option Use Defaults for Bank Allocations is set to Yes).
  2. Open the voucher in alteration mode and change the party ledger. Save the changes.
  3. Delete the party ledger master that was replaced in the altered voucher.
  4. Open a voucher that has been recorded using the same bank ledger, in alteration mode and press Ctrl+A. Tally.ERP 9 crashes with the error Memory Access Violation.


Procedure to rectify the data using Release 4.92:

  1. Open your data in Release 4.92.
  2. From Gateway of Tally, press Ctrl + Alt + R.
  3. Select the company that has to be rewritten.
  4. The dialog box Rewrite? appears. Click Yes.
  5. The dialog box Backup before rewriting? appears. Click Yes to create a backup of the company that you are rewriting.
  6. After rewriting, open the Tally.REW file. This file will be available in the Tally.ERP 9 folder and will contain the following information for transactions that have a ledger mismatch:
    • Voucher Number (if manual numbering is used for the vouchers)
    • Voucher Type (for Voucher Types created by the user, the default Voucher Type under which they have been categorised will be captured)
    • Voucher date
    • Voucher amount
    • Narration
  7. Identify these transactions in the corresponding company and re-accept them using the Enter key.
    Please note that the Bank Allocations screen will retain all information except the party ledger. Select the party ledger while re-accepting.

And more…..

Functional Enhancement

Accounting Vouchers

  • Issue of Bank Allocations screen displaying ledgers with nil transaction value, resolved:
    While recording a bank transaction using multiple ledgers, the ledger that was provided with nil value was being listed in Bank allocations screen. Now ledgers with nil value in the entry will not be listed in Bank Allocations screen.

The Highlights in Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release 4.92 :

Indian Taxation :

Excise for Dealers/Importers

  • Excise for Importer feature is introduced in adherence to Notification dated 28th February 2014, with the facility to provide registration details, transfer stock to importer unit, generate reports and e-returns
  • Excise enabled purchase vouchers are enhanced to capture RG 23D Number in sequence and automatically during entry when the numbering maintained is of pure numeric sequence

Accounting Reports

  • Sorting of transactions based on only numerical or alphabetical order of voucher numbers is supported in Voucher Register

Note : Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release 4.91 is compatible with Tally.Server 9 Series A Release 4.9.


e-UPaSS (Electronic Upload of Purchase and Sales Statements) is provided as per the latest statutory mandate. A simple two-step process in Tally.ERP 9 makes compliance hassle free:

  1. Validate with built-in rules and automatically update all books of account to make them error free
  2. Upload all annexures directly into the government portal from Tally.ERP 9

Tally.ERP 9 Feature Summary:

  • Quick to install and allows incremental implementation
  • Easy to customise
  • Powerful remote capabilities to boost collaboration
  • Audit & compliance services
  • Integrated support centre
  • Security management
  • Statutory processes
  • Manufacturer’s excise
  • Payroll

Click here for release notes

Click here for download

Available new stat 237 from 12th January, 2015

New Stat.900 Version is available free for existing Tally User

Major Enhancement are :


Himachal Pradesh :

  • In adherence to the notification, to support the increase in VAT rate for diesel from 9.60% to 11.50% , the following VAT/Tax classifications have been provided with effect from 1 January, 2015
    • CST @11.50%/Interstate Sales @11.50%
    • Interstate Purchases@11.50%
    • Input VAT @11.50%/ Purchases@ 11.50
    • Output VAT@11.50%/Sales @11.50%
    • OutputVAT@11.50%(of Local purchase)/ Sales@11.50% (of Local Purchase)
    • OutputVAT@11.50%(of purchase Outside State)/ Sales @11.50% (of purchase outside state)
      Note : Currently, the values of transactions recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be captured only in the VAT Computation report. In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 11.50% VAT rate in VAT relevant forms

Madhya Pradesh :

  • In adherence to the notification, to support the increase in VAT rate for petrol from 27% to 31%, the following VAT/Tax classifications have been provided, with effect from 17 December, 2014:
    •  Input VAT @ 31% Special Rate/ Purchase @ 31% Special Rate
    • Purchase Tax – Special Rate @ 31%
    • Purchases From URDs -Special Rate @ 31%
    • Output VAT @ 31% Special Rate/ Sales @ 31% Special Rate
      Note : Currently, the values of transactions recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be captured only in the VAT Computation report.In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 31% VAT rate in VAT relevant forms.

Odisha :

    • CST @ 23%/ Interstate Sales @23%
    • Output VAT @23%/ Sales @ 23%
    • Sales – Schedule C items @ 23%
    • Interstate Purchases @ 23%
    • Input VAT @23%/ Purchase @ 23%
    • Purchases – Schedule C items @ 23%
      Note : Currently, the values of transactions recorded using the classifications provided for 23% VAT rate will be captured only in the VAT Computation report.In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the value of the entries in VAT forms.


Puducherry :

  • To support interstate purchases and sales for multiple rates of CST, the following VAT/Tax Classifications have been provided:
    • CST @ 2% Against Form C/ Interstate Sales @ 2% Against Form C
    • CST @ 0.50%/ Interstate Sales @0.50 %
    • CST @ 1%/ Interstate Sales @1%
    • Interstate Purchase @ 2% Against Form C
    • CST @ 3%/ Interstate Sales @ 3%
    • CST @ 4%/ Interstate Sales @ 4%
    • CST @ 5%/ Interstate Sales @ 5%
    • CST @ 6%/ Interstate Sales @ 6%
    • CST @ 8%/ Interstate Sales @ 8%
    • CST @ 10%/ Interstate Sales @ 10%
    • CST @ 12.5%/ Interstate Sales @ 12.5%
    • CST @ 14%/ Interstate Sales @ 14%
    • CST @ 14.5%/ Interstate Sales @14.5%
    • CST @ 15%/ Interstate Sales @15%
    • CST @ 20%/ Interstate Sales @20%
    • CST @ 35%/ Interstate Sales @35%
    • Inter -State Sales Exempted
    • Inter State Sales Against Form E1
    • Inter State Sales Against Form E2
      Note : Currently, the values of transactions recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be captured only in the VAT Computation report.In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the value of entries recorded using these VAT/Tax classifications in relevant forms
  • In adherence to the notification, to support the new VAT rate of 20% for cigarettes, the VAT/Tax classifications Purchases @ 20% and Input VAT @ 20% have been provided, with effect from 16 October, 2014:
    Note : Currently, the values of transactions recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be captured only in the VAT Computation report.In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 20% VAT rate in relevant VAT forms.

Rajasthan :

  • New VAT/Tax classifications CST @ 0.25% and Interstate Sales@ 0.25% have been provided to record interstate sales at 0.25% CST rate.
    Note : Currently, the values of transactions recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be captured only in the VAT Computation report.In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 0.25% CST rate in relevant forms.
  •  In adherence to the notification, to support the increase in VAT rates of diesel and petrol, the following VAT/Tax classifications have been provided:
    Diesel (from 18% to 22%)
    • CST @ 22%/ Interstate Sales @ 22%
    • Purchase Tax @ 22%
    • Output VAT @ 22% Special Rate/ Sales @ 22% Special Rate
    • Input VAT @ 22% Special Rate/ Purchase @ 22% Special Rate
    • Purchase from URDs – Special Rate @ 22%
      Petrol (from 26% to 30%)
    • CST @30%/ Interstate Sales @30%
    • Purchase Tax @ 30
    • Output VAT @30% Special Rate/ Sales @30% Special Rate
    • Input VAT @ 30% Special Rate/ Purchase @ 30% Special Rate
    • Purchase From URDs – Special Rate @30%
      Note : Currently, the values of transactions recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be captured only in the VAT Computation report.In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 22% and 30% VAT rates in relevant forms.

Sikkim :

    • CST @ 1%/ Interstate Sales @ 1%
    •  CST@ 1.10%/ Interstate Sales @ 1.10%
    • CST @ 4%/ Interstate Sales @ 4%
    • CST @ 4.5%/ Interstate Sales @ 4.5%
    • CST @ 12.5%/ Interstate Sales @ 12.5%
    • CST @ 13.5%/ Interstate Sales @ 13.5%
    • CST @ 22%/ Interstate Sales @ 22%
    • CST @ 25%/ Interstate Sales @ 25%
    • CST @2% Against Form C/ Interstate Sales @ 2% Against Form C
      Interstate Purchase @ 2% Against Form
      Note : Currently, the values of transactions recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be captured only in the VAT Computation report.In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the value of entries
      recorded using these VAT/Tax classifications in relevant forms.
  • Adhering to the notification, new VAT/Tax classifications have been provided to support VAT rate changes for:
    Schedule II Goods:
    • Input VAT @1.10%/ Purchases @ 1.10%
    • Output VAT @1.10%/ Sales @ 1.10%
    • Output VAT @1.10% to URDs
    • Purchases From URDs – Taxable Goods @ 1.10%
      For Schedule III (other than declared) and Schedule IV Goods
    •  Input VAT @4.5%/ Purchase @ 4.5%
    • Output VAT @4.5%/ Sales @ 4.5%
    • Output VAT @4.5% to URDs
    • Purchases From URDs – Taxable Goods @ 4.5%
    • Purchase – Capital Goods @ 4.5%
      For Schedule V Goods
    •  Input VAT @13.5%/ Purchase @ 13.5%
    • Output VAT @13.5%/ Sales @ 3.5%
    • Output VAT @13.5% to URDs
    • Purchases From URDs – Taxable Goods @ 13.5%
    • Purchase – Capital Goods @ 13.5%
      For Schedule VI Goods
    • Input VAT @ 22%/ Purchase @ 22%
    • Output VAT @ 22%/ Sales @ 22%
      For all types of Liquor, Beer and other alcoholic drinks
    •  Input VAT @25%/ Purchase @ 25%
    • Output VAT @25%/ Sales @ 25%
      Note : Currently, the values of transactions recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be captured only in the VAT Computation report.In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the value of entries
      recorded using these VAT/Tax classifications in relevant forms.

Uttarakhand :

  • In adherence to the notification, to support the change in VAT rate for Timber and liquor from 20% to 15%, the following VAT/Tax classifications have been provided, with effect from 25 December, 2014:
    •  Input VAT @ 15%/ Purchase @ 15%
    •  Purchase From URDs –Taxable Goods @15%
    •  Purchase From URDs – SCG @15%
    • Output VAT @ 15%/ Sales @ 15%
    • Output VAT @ 15% (of Purc Outside State)/ Sales @15% (of Purc Outside State)
    • Output VAT @ 15% (of Purc Outside State) – SCG/ Sales @15% (of Purc Outside State)-SCG
    •  Output VAT @ 15% – Spl. Category Goods/ Sales @15% – Spl. Category Goods
    • CST @ 15%/ Interstate Sales @15%
    • Purchase Tax @ 15%
      Note : Currently, the values of transactions recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be captured only in the VAT Computation report.In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 15% VAT rate in relevant forms.
  • In adherence to the notification, to support the new VAT rate of 9% for Sand, gravel, riverbed material (RBM), boulders, crushed stone, stone blast, gret stone, gitti (stone) and stone dust, with effect from 17 December, 2104
    • Input VAT @ 9%/ Purchase @ 9%
    • Output VAT @ 9%/ Sales @ 9%
    • Purchase From URDs –Taxable Goods @ 9%
    • Purchase Tax @ 9%
    • CST@9%/ Interstate Sales @ 9%
      Note :  Currently, the values of transactions recorded using the aforesaid classifications will be captured only in the VAT Computation report.In the forthcoming Stat.900 releases, the functionality will be enhanced to capture the value of entries recorded using VAT/Tax classifications provided for 9% VAT rate in relevant forms

And more….