Available new stat 233 from 19th June, 2014

New Stat.900 Version is available free for existing Tally User

Major Enhancement are :



Karnataka :

  • E-VAT Annexures are provided as per statutory requirements. Facility is also provided to generate and upload the XML files to the Department’s portal directly.

And more….

Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release 4.9, 19th June, 2014

The new Tally.ERP 9 Release 4.9 is available now!

FREE for all users of Tally.ERP 9.*

Tally.ERP 9 is the latest ERP offering of the Tally software series. As with all Tally products, rapid updates are made available for the lifetime of the product via periodic releases, thereby providing the high level of business capability that millions of users trust.

Issues Resolved :


  • Migration of data from a lower release to release 4.8 failed to occur when the options Change the password on first login and Allow user to change the password were enabled and a banking transaction was recorded in the lower release.
    This issue has been resolved.
  • On selecting group companies, the following error messages were getting displayed in the calculator panel:
    • FUNCTION: ‘SetsDefaultTransactionTypes’ LABEL: 0025: Invalid Target Object (No Target/Not in EditMode)
    • FUNCTION: ‘SetsDefaultTransactionTypes’ LABEL: 0025: Action execution failed!
    • FUNCTION: ‘SetsDefaultTransactionTypes’ LABEL: Action execution failed!

This issue has been resolved.

Performance :

  • The time taken was more while printing the Daily Stock Register.
    This issue has been resolved and performance has been optimised.

Rewrite/Backup/Restore/Split :

  • Memory Access Violation error was occurring while splitting company data in which a default ledger (Cash/ Profit & Loss A/c) was altered.
    This issue has been resolved.

And more…..

Functional Issues

Cheque Printing

  • The F12: Range option in cheque printing for Instrument date wise filtering was not working.
    This issue has been resolved.

Excise for Manufacturers

  • When recording an Excise Sales transaction with the same item selected twice and with Domestic (SSI) as the Nature of Removal, then in the Daily Stock Register the assessable value of only the first item was being captured.
    This issue has been resolved.

International Taxation- Ghana

  • An error message CST Logging Ended was being displayed in the calculator panel, when recording a purchase transaction in item invoice mode.
    This issue has been resolved.


  • When recording a sales/purchase transaction in a company enabled for Composite VAT, the error message VAT/Tax Classification Not Selected was being displayed while trying to save the transaction.
    This issue has been resolved.

And more……


The Highlights in Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release 4.9 :

Indian Taxation :


e-UPaSS (Electronic Upload of Purchase and Sales Statements) is provided as per the latest statutory mandate. A simple two-step process in Tally.ERP 9 makes compliance hassle free:

  1. Validate with built-in rules and automatically update all books of account to make them error free
  2. Upload all annexures directly into the government portal from Tally.ERP 9


Tally.ERP 9 Feature Summary:

  • Quick to install and allows incremental implementation
  • Easy to customise
  • Powerful remote capabilities to boost collaboration
  • Audit & compliance services
  • Integrated support centre
  • Security management
  • Statutory processes
  • Manufacturer’s excise
  • Payroll

Click here for release notes

Click here for download