What is Hotfix :
The Hotfix is Release created to solve only specific product issues in specific scenarios. If you are not facing the above mentioned issues, its recommended that you continue to use the Regular Gold Release.
Known Gaps Resolved :
Tally.ERP 9
Accounting :
- The F12: Range option in cheque printing for Instrument date wise filtering was not working. This issue has been resolved.
Data :
- Memory Access Violation error was occurring while splitting company data. This issue has been resolved.
- On selecting group companies, the following error messages were getting displayed in the calculator panel:
- FUNCTION: ‘SetsDefaultTransactionTypes’ LABEL: 0025: Invalid Target Object (No Target/Not in EditMode)
- FUNCTION: ‘SetsDefaultTransactionTypes’ LABEL: 0025: Action execution failed!
- FUNCTION: ‘SetsDefaultTransactionTypes’ LABEL: Action execution failed!This issue has been resolved.
- Migration of data from a lower release to release 4.8 failed to occur when the options Change the password on first login and Allow user to change the password were enabled and a banking transaction was recorded in the lower release. This issue has been resolved.
Excise for Manufacturers
- When recording an Excise Sales transaction with the same item selected twice and with Domestic (SSI) as the Nature of Removal, then in the Daily Stock Register the assessable value of only the first item was being captured.This issue has been resolved.
Performance :
- The time taken was more while printing the Daily Stock Register. This issue has been resolved and performance has been optimized.
Security Control :
- The error message No Access Allowed was being displayed while attempting to print the vouchers by pressing Alt+P, though the user was given rights to Display/Print Vouchers in Security Control. This issue has been resolved.
- The Non-Admin users were unable to edit the bank details in the voucher, though rights were given to the users for Altering of Ledger & Bank Details for Exported/Reconciled Transactions in Security Control. This issue has been resolved.
Synchronisation :
- The error message Instrument Number already exists was being displayed during synchronisation when already synchronised data was reconciled and synced again. This issue has been resolved.
- When recording a sales/purchase transaction in a company enabled for Composite VAT, the error message VAT/Tax Classification Not Selected was being displayed while trying to save the transaction. This issue has been resolved.
International Taxation- Ghana :
- An error message CST Logging Ended was being displayed in the calculator panel, when recording a purchase transaction in item invoice mode. This issue has been resolved.
Tally.Server 9 :
- Scheduled backup of a company belonging to an end point containing multiple companies does not get restored properly when being operated upon at the scheduled backup time (concurrent operations). This issue has been resolved.
Download [32 BIT] Installer, without Reference Manual (includes Stat 219) Build 45
Download [64 BIT] Installer, without Reference Manual (includes Stat 219) Build 45