Tally ERP 9 Release 3Â of Current series A is due and it will be available soon to all the Tally users.
There are some long-awaited and expected features for which Tally community was looking since a long time.
Here is the brief features that will be available with Tally ERP 9 Rel 3,
- Auditor’s edition enhanced with form 3CA and 3CB
- Now you can enter Multiple addresses for the Company and for Debtors and Creditors in Master ledger
- Complete Jobwork module for manufacturers with excise compliance
- Rs symbol has changed
- multiple outstanding entries will be available.
- if you want to insert your company logo, in the bills etc.., it can be done ! now no more need to customise for logo print or any TDL!
- auto back in customised path/folder. An enhanced feature of the earlier release 2.1,and now you can set your own path/folder to take auto back up of your data
- Customer can select the reports he sees often and add it to †my Favorites “
- Pre order closure is available.
- Form no. 16 for employee and tds on salary module will now be available.
- last, but not least,call the expert toll-free no charge! see the picture below now for any of query just call a tally expert from tally software free of cost and get solve your query in no time.
Note : All this features will be available only to licensed Tally users and whose Tally Net Subscription (TNS) is active.
If your TNSÂ Â Â Â had been expired then you may renew it now.
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