Free TDL extensions to Tally ERP 9 :
TDL Reference Manual :
Free TDL extensions to Tally ERP 9 :
TDL Reference Manual :
New Stat.900 Version is available free for existing Tally User Major Enhancement are :
Excise for Manufacturers
In Annexure 10 report S: Show All button has been provided to view the details of other
stock items purchased under the document along with the main item of the document.
An Additional column has been added to the PF Monthly Statement which displays the
Serial Number (S.No.) for each line item.
Tax Deducted at Source
An additional option Print Government details also is provided in F12: Configuration of
Printing TDS Form 16A. Using this option user can configure to print or not to print Government
details in Form 16A
The revised Form VAT 120 is provided as per the e-filing requirements.
The VAT Payment Challan – Form VAT – 2 is provided.
Release details of Stat900 version 122 (PDF file )
Download Stat 122
Normally to copy data from excel or word we use “Ctrl+C” and for Paste we use “Ctrl+V”.
In Tally the difference is we are coping and pasting entire field in Tally.
For Copying Data from tally use “CTRL + ALT + C” , for Pasting data in Tally use “CTRL + ALT + V”
How to provide the opening balance for Input Tax Credit in a new Company?
Yes, it is possible to provide the Opening Balance for Input Tax Credit in a newly created company by giving the amount in the Opening Balance field followed by Dr for the Input VAT Ledger grouped under Duties & Taxes and Type of Duty/Tax as VAT. The opening balance will be displayed in the VAT Computation and the respective Forms. Selection of Vat/Tax class is optional.